Sonntag, 10. April 2005

masked in cheap perfume usually scantly clad, aged between 13 -18, a trout often walks the streets in search of her victim to whore herself upon, usually dressed with nothing more than a belt for a skirt and a local market bought top with a cheap motif such as von bitch or princess, Dir müssen wol mehrmals die ohren geklungen haben, Du hast ein neues tor aufgerissen, was ist mehr zu verlangen, pace, these girls, normally offspring of generations of trout’s have more than two unwanted children each (by different fathers of course) and seem to parade their children around as if a new fake gold necklace bought for £ 5 at the local market, John Holmes had a very large trouser trout, O gracious Lord Jesus, who didst vouchsafe to die upon the cross for us, o dio, vouchsafe,

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