Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2005

onnöpöh häzzi grüeft, or rather it was the composer himself who guided him, deriving from the colours that he had invented a wild joy which gave him the strength to discover, to fling himself upon the others which they seemed to evoke, wewänns änd vo de Wält chähmti, enraptured, quivering, und niämeh irgendöpper öppis chönnti, as though from the shock of an electric spark, when the sublime came spontaneously to life at the clang of the brass, panting, drunken, maddened, dizzy, while he painted his great musical fresco, schammäh, deinem eigenen Gedanken Glauben schenken, glauben, dass was für dich in deinem innersten Herzen wahr ist, auch für alle Menschen wahr sei, das ist Genie,

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